The spicy smell of baked fruit wafted through the overfiltered station air.
And the ones with baked fruit can be served warm or at room temperature.
TARTS and cobblers are wonderful in the summer but come fall, simple baked fruit comes into its own.
Eight-inch tarts with baked fruit are $16; with fresh fruit and custard, $21.95.
I lost the struggle to keep my eyes on the strangers, and stared at the table straining under the weight of a fat roasted guntil stuffed with assorted baked fruits.
Dessert recipes that contain primarily fruits with maybe a little bit of pastry - such as a baked fruit crisp - would be the healthiest choices.
Gastronomy includes desserts such as a roll made with fruit such as guayaba and pirulis and baked fruit.
Crisp, a regional term for a baked fruit crumble.
But Asimov felt it was bland with the flavors of baked fruit and pie dough, and Battenhouse rejected it as uninteresting.
She found a seat at the back of the tavern, and ordered a lunch of roast chicken, followed by several pieces of freshly baked fruit pie and cream.