But you are cut and bruised and badly winded.
Seizing the moment, she threw herself out from under him, the momentum carrying her against the wall with enough force to badly wind her.
However, while returning to camp he is attacked by a pack of wolves, who steal the rabbit, and badly wound his arm.
They climbed the ledge which ran around the shoulder of the mountain; and, although badly winded, kept on almost at a run.
But then he wound into a joke about cowboys in both countries that his translator mangled badly, and that left the audience entirely confused.
It was difficult to be certain at this distance, but the lad's mount appeared to be footsore and badly winded.
Though Shinichi and Migi badly wound him, they are forced to flee before he can be completely destroyed.
Will dropped to his knees in the gutter, winded badly, but he couldn't stay there.
He got to his feet badly winded but intact, and ran down the moonlit garden to the back gate.
When it eventually detonated, the blast was usually sufficient to kill or badly wound the driver and the commander.