In King Tut's time, a century earlier, tomb entrances were less conspicuous in design and often put in out-of-the-way places so that they were less likely to have been badly vandalized.
The town has never been badly vandalized or pilfered by thieves.
The building was badly vandalized during the occupation.
The house had been vacant for some time, and had been badly vandalized.
The Cooks, in fact, were the ones who discovered that the formation had been badly vandalized in late spring.
What strikes diners first is the atmosphere: it occupies the former long-abandoned life-saving station, which had been badly vandalized by the time the Sanderling was under construction.
The Eastern Monument was badly vandalized and is now stored at the Cherryfield Historical Society.
A landmark high school in Harlem that underwent a $47 million renovation six years ago was badly vandalized over the weekend and was cleared of classes all day yesterday after graffiti warning of a bomb was discovered, the police said.
It had been badly vandalized.
The car of a leader of the Belgrade group, Dragan Tanasic, was badly vandalized last year and a steel-tipped arrow was fired through the window of this home.