As a result, their family honor has been badly tarnished.
That image has been badly tarnished during the last several months, as the Senate agreed to almost $1.4 billion in new taxes.
Several people said that starting a Web site could improve her image, badly tarnished by the events of the last 12 months.
But their reputations have been badly tarnished in recent years.
THE image of police forces has been badly tarnished in recent months.
It was hopeless and I could get badly tarnished.
No-fault's image is badly tarnished because it failed to reduce costs in many states that converted over the last decade.
Israel is badly tarnishing its reputation by increased censorship.
A small gold ring, badly tarnished, pierced the lobe of his left ear.
The scandal received a great deal of press and badly tarnished the Know Nothings.