So there were a lot of cross-eyed dogs, pink shepherdesses and mugs with badly spelled slogans like 'To the Wordl's Best Mum' and 'We Luove Our Nanny'.
They are also known as Kadayan, Kadaian or simply badly spelled as Kadyan by the British.
A great many of the letters were religious in nature, and in these badly spelled missives, usually written in a large and careful handwriting but one step removed from the scrawl of a bright first-grader, he seemed to feel the ghost of his mother.
William Waldman, Human Services Commissioner, apologized for the badly spelled, blooper-filled letter sent out this month.
Vimes went back and lay on the bunk, staring at the badly spelled and anatomically incorrect graffiti on the ceiling.
I had researched my prey well enough to know that this was the name of Vince's production company, and not a badly spelled invitation.
The only punctuation was a series of dashes; the words were badly spelled, the capitalization any which way.