The young defensive backs were not badly singed, and James Hasty even made a key deflection in the end zone from his cornerback position.
The third quarter, in short, was one in which investors and fund managers alike were badly singed.
The seat of his pants had been badly singed.
He'd lost his eye-brows and his lashes; and his hair was badly singed.
The creature's chest and one of its wings were badly singed.
In Game 1, for instance, the Phillies were badly singed by the turf-burners at the top of the Toronto order.
Model Shows Effects of Fire Today, the model is badly singed and cracked on its left side and back.
Shere Khan has gone away to hunt far off till his coat grows again, for he is badly singed.
Jack had a most narrow escape, but is unhurt, although that fine beard of his was badly singed.
It didn't even make it through to the skin, although his cassock was badly singed.