Watergate was a desperate effort to control the political fallout from a badly flawed policy in Vietnam and Cambodia.
They were able to win the title despite a badly flawed long program.
"Any answer you get is going to be badly flawed and easily criticized."
To its opponents, a political gimmick that would deface the Constitution with a badly flawed amendment.
Isn't this the week we were supposed to worry mostly about violence in Afghanistan, what with the badly flawed election tomorrow?
When a scandal erupted in the spring over a badly flawed new system of college entrance exams, the Parliament was blamed for letting it happen.
August 17: Nick Davies spent two years investigating a badly flawed system.
Many Americans have repeatedly told pollsters that our immigration policy is badly flawed and in need of repair.
It would be a price worth paying if those institutions were badly flawed but very often it turns out that they are not.
In the minds of a lot of American economists, however, the review is a badly flawed piece of work.