Just as the managers know the best umpires, they also know the worst umpires.
"He's always been one of the worst umpires and continued to be today," McEnroe said.
Who is the worst umpire of all time?
The worst umpire of all time is the one who has just blown a call against the Tigers.
I'm going to miss talking to the umpire - sometimes bad, sometimes good.
"Like she was the worst umpire in the world."
He was voted the worst umpire in the AL in a poll of players during 1999 spring training.
With respect to the worst umpire, 6 percent of players in the survey selected West.
Only three umpires were named more frequently as worst umpire in the survey.
However, he was named the worst umpire in the same poll by 41 percent of players polled.