Strauss, like many other intellectual refugees from the 20th century's worst tyrannies, recognized the glories and achievements of democratic modernity, which shaped his new American home.
The worst tyrannies were the ones where a government required its own logic on every embedded node.
The two-party monopoly threatens to become an even worse one-party tyranny.
There is so worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.
Libyans have every reason to fear another tyranny far worse than anything Gaddafi rolled out on a wide scale.
Struck with awe, the people of Akhlat soon groaned beneath a tyranny far worse than that which they had suffered from the old dynasty.
Yet, now that her turn came, she proceeded to impose a tyranny far worse than the tyranny she had defeated.
There is no worse tyranny, wrote John Stuart Mill, than that of a majority.
Cloning is a worse tyranny for animals than small cages or being transported in lorries without water.
Yet this realm, in theory a republic of freemen, was in practice a worse tyranny than mankind has known, even in Nero's infamous day.