Despite his involvement in one of boxing's worst scandals, Lewis is able to continue to work as a trainer.
One critic has pronounced it "arguably the worst scandal in American political history."
Mankell considered these to be the worst scandals in Swedish political history.
It wasn't the worst scandal you'll ever hear of in college basketball.
They say the outcome, when all the evidence is in, could be one of the worst academic scandals in years.
Suppose they do discover who did for Dan - it may only reveal a new scandal, worse than any of the others.
Hasn't it occurred to you that that will make the scandal even worse?
Many will almost certainly be remembered best for their role in the worst scandal in the history of the American church.
Small wonder, lawyers say, that the country's worst scandal in recent memory will take at least 10 years to make its way through Japan's court system.
The result, he added, was that many people were losing faith in the Government's ability to cope with the nation's worst financial scandal.