The worst pests are the bats because they eat the pulpy flesh of the fruit.
In fifteen years of touring, I never met a worse pest than Fenwick.
The toxic animal developed into one of the worst feral pests in Australia's history, resulting in ecological disaster to many native species.
This is an easy question to answer as the culprits are one of the worst pests that wholesale nursery professionals have to deal with.
You can learn about your climate, growing conditions, best sources of plants and worst pests of your region by spending an afternoon talking to Open Day hosts and visitors.
The other species, Crupina crupinastrum, also has the potential to become weedy, but it is not as bad a pest at the current time.
Introducing cane toads to Australia to control the cane beetle not only failed to control the pest, but introduced, in the toads themselves, a very much worse pest.
It often becomes a bad pest in surgarcane, as well as in gardens and also on other crops.
It is considered the world's worst pest of chestnuts.
Some of the worst pests to be aware of are mealybugs, white flies and red spider mites.