She then kicked referee Slick Johnson and put her spider, Poison on him due to his bad officiating during the match.
It wasn't bad officiating.
Cuban believes bad officiating led to the Kings' loss to the Lakers in Game 6 of the Western Conference finals last year.
This resulted in what the Greensburg Daily Tribune called bad officiating and "thievery".
I guess the Rangers screwed them and will get paided back throughout the rest of the years with more bad officiating.
The terms of this new contract stated that Christian could win the belt via disqualification or if there was a case of "bad officiating".
Kasparaitis said Nolan cut his legs out from behind and that "sometimes, the game goes away because of bad officiating."
That's the worst officiating I've seen in a long time.
Pittsburgh is angry over bad officiating, bad luck and a slow start that makes its climb stiff.
In Bern, the general secretary of FIFA said he was disappointed by some bad officiating.