Others may have no benefit or worse migraines with hormonal birth control.
Or a bad migraine - but nothing to worry about just yet.
Instead of 2 or more bad migraines a month I might have 1 mild one.
I've got a bad migraine, I tripped and fell and cut my arm.
He looked as if he was suffering from a very bad migraine.
Like a very bad migraine, except that this originated in the back of her head, not the front.
Around 3am he woke up w/ the worst migraine of his life.
Although a bad migraine might make you wish for the end of everything, headaches are not usually life threatening.
He'd had a sore head all day, and while he was in the ward it had worsened into a bad migraine.
Comment: I was in the midst of the worst migraine of all time.