That, as any bad golfer knows, can only be a good thing.
I guess I could retire at 50 and become a bad professional golfer.
Some guys are really bad golfers but think they're Greg Norman so they buy balata.
Many of these executives achieved great stock-market performance for their companies, but were far worse golfers.
"Be careful not to copy bad swings or take advice from bad golfers," he said.
The next group of 22 chief executives, whose companies' performance in the market is middling, are somewhat worse golfers, with an average handicap index of 14.6.
The problem, they report in a coming issue of the journal Chance, is that bad golfers are not only bad, but also inconsistent.
In fact, the researchers said, it overestimates the bad golfer's level of performance.
Flitcroft was commonly referred to as "the world's worst golfer".
Ron is an embarrassingly bad golfer, so no one wants to play with him.