Rwanda experienced Africa's worst genocide in modern times, and the country's recovery was marred by its intervention in the conflict in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo.
Dok's lower jaw jutted forward as she recounted a litany of horrors that would have seemed incredible if it weren't for the documented history of what was one of the worst genocides of the 20th century.
Yes, Rwanda suffered the worst genocides in recent African history.
Sitting in an airport lounge with survivors of one of the worst genocides in human history reminded me again what human beings are capable of doing to one another.
And where is Srebrenica, site of the worst genocide in Europe since World War II?
"Kicking for Reconciliation" was created during the late 2000s, and involved over 100 young players in an attempt at "bringing healing to a nation that saw the worst genocide since World War II" through sport.
Those questions lie at the heart of "The Gate," and they underscore the larger questions of how Cambodia became a killing field, the site of one of the worst genocides in modern history.
"We are facing a worse genocide than Halabja."
The hated operation was just the beginning of the worst genocide to follow, a brutal crime against humanity after the Second World War.
Yes its the worse genocide in history , as its the only one where the people that the genocide is supposed to be against have actual increased in number while it was going on.