I want to crush them, if possible, for I have a bad disposition.
A feller told me Cooper had a real bad disposition, that he was a sure enough professional killer.
They've been at war their entire existence, much of it with the Klingons, and that will give anyone a bad disposition.
From that day, Ingjald became a very ferocious person and had a bad disposition and breath.
I hope my poor godson can survive your bad disposition and lousy attitude.
But of course if you're peculiar and behind it you have a bad disposition - well, there you are.
Rak - A terrible beast with a horrible appetite and a bad disposition.
Indeed, what for years had been considered simply a bad disposition was suddenly become a patriotic emotion.
Even in victory, Scottland had a "very bad disposition" about his career, Davis said.
"That's a warp drive with claws and a bad disposition."