Any newspaper regularly reported stories of cruelty no worse than the possible scenarios that now unreeled vividly in her mind.
How mere humans could defy the rack, the flames, the worst cruelties devised by the hands of man, without denying their faith?
What could be more normal for the spawn of Thatcher apart from their even worse cruelty?
It seemed the worst cruelty a man could suffer, to die feeling unloved.
And he had also seen, with a flash of insight, that being 'kind' to Sandra was the worst cruelty he could inflict on her.
And never were worse cruelties committed upon earth than in wretched England in those nineteen years.
I think there is no worse cruelty than this.
They can withdraw, exposing Bosnian Muslims to even worse cruelties.
That was very carefully put together to end the worst cruelty associated with the trade which allows rich women to wear the furs of tortured animals.
Never try to escape, for escape means a certain return to this prison, and worse cruelty, worse torture.