Ask your banker how many good checks come into the bank for every bad check.
At most, two or three times a month a bad check gets by us.
He wrote them $39,600 in bad checks on an account that had an average balance of $60.
A bad check for more than $500 is considered a felony in Georgia.
Two-thirds of Americans said they had paid at least some attention to the news about the bad checks.
"The serious part is people using them to write bad checks."
They may open a bank account in your name and write bad checks.
The report said 34 unidentified members had written bad checks of at least $1,000 every month for the year ending on June 30, 1990.
Members' bad checks would be sent to the ethics committee for investigation, he added.
When somebody passed a bad check and had to make good on it, he'd naturally like to secure himself against the future.