Which are going to get worse before they bottom out and die away.
You thought it was bad before and during the court-martial?
It would be worse than the night before Christmas when they were kids.
Any choice she made seemed worse than the one before it.
Keep in mind that stage fright is usually worse before the performance and often goes away once you get started.
In fact, under her supervision each series was worse than the one before it.
After all, I'm no worse off than many men before me.
It is worse than college basketball before the shot clock.
And going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
They were going from bad to worse before the raid.
I thought her dementia was bad before, but this is much worse!
It was bad before, when the old rich first set their hands against the gate of death, but a hundred fifty years is not forever.
It was bad enough before, when that Caucasian girl landed here!
It was bad enough before, but this time it is too much.
It's been bad before, but I've never seen it like this.
Such fragments had been bad enough before, but now they were infinitely worse.
If they had been this bad before, all my children would have died.
If the situation had been bad before, it was spiraling out of control now.
Things were bad before, and they were now certain to become worse.
It was bad enough before, letting everybody else aboard know that all he has to do is push you over.