The worst accusation that can be leveled against anyone here is to be called naive.
The worst accusation against Rodriguez is that he bragged too much about his workouts in an interview last spring.
That was the worst accusation she could level against herself.
The worst accusation is for a hero to be a wimp.
His eyes, so close to her own, were a terrible accusation, far worse than that dead man's had been inside.
So what can you do to expose me without exposing yourself and the Agency to far worse accusations?
I suppose the worst accusation you could level at them is blind, jingostic credulity.
Actually, I might have preferred his worst accusations to the efforts of the defense counsel appointed by the state.
On a more serious note, he told the jury, "Bad people came into this courtroom and made bad accusations because they wanted to get rich."
His answer: "Bad people came into this courtroom and made bad accusations because they wanted to get rich."