That panel disclosed the names of the 22 worst abusers at the House bank, but it declined to look into how the overdrawn money was spent.
Unfortunately, Congo's army is the worst abuser of human rights in the country today.
The names of the 24 worst abusers are to be released this week, with the rest following in 10 days.
But in Texas, behind closed doors, he's raising money from one of the worst abusers of campaign finance laws.
Dole was not even close to being its worst abuser.
The worst abusers are accused of writing hundreds of checks without enough money in their accounts to cover the overdrafts.
But the moral cost has to be balanced against the risk that judges and juries lack the independence and heroism to convict the worst abusers.
He had an account at the bank and has been accused of being one of the worst abusers of the check-writing privileges.
Of the 17 incumbents listed by the House ethics committee as among the worse abusers of the bank, only 6 came back this year.
Tort reform opponents argue that corporations and insurance companies are the worst abusers of the litigation system.