As Karal had thought, the backless stool was at the perfect height for the little lizard.
Near the throne was a backless stool, low enough to destroy the dignity of anyone who sat on it.
The evolution of the chair is from the simple backless stool, commonly three-legged for stability.
In fact, the waiter, without them having to ask, found and brought over a backless stool for Shigenoi to use comfortably.
There was a table with a wide mirror, a backless stool set before it, to her left.
The grip released suddenly, pushing her away with force enough to rock her on the backless wooden stool where she sat.
We only went a few feet down the hall, though, to a room which had a pair of low backless stools and several windows.
Half a dozen document chests were stacked against the end wall, and the table in the center left room for only two backless stools.
The most common form of Greek seat was the backless stool, which must have been found in every Greek home.
Dorrin nods quietly, as he sits on the backless stool across from his father.