The party's attempt to use "family values" backfired badly after the convention in August.
If the performance of their pitches is deemed sufficiently weak, what was intended as a shrewd business move could backfire badly.
I honestly think that the decision to open in late in the US is going to backfire badly.
A player's attempt to keep his hand alive can backfire badly if another player suddenly declares "Game".
ElBaradei called for peaceful protests, and said any use of force by the authorities would "backfire badly".
Those tales made the first trial fodder for the tabloids, but they backfired badly with jurors, who said such details were beside the point.
As shown in the movie, Ms. Somers's strategy backfired badly.
But the shift backfired badly in the ratings for two of the shows.
Instead, Reeves's decision to use the product backfired badly.
His attempt to drive a wedge between husband and wives was backfiring badly.