A good rich soil, full of nutrients and minerals, would produce good harvests, which in turn would allow the people of that Age to spend less time carrying out the backbreaking task of cultivation.
They were panting when they finished their backbreaking task, but they had achieved their goal.
Keeping lawns, gardens and driveways neat can be a backbreaking task, but now there's a rake designed to keep the strain out of that fall chore.
It had been a backbreaking task.
This makes harvesting clams a backbreaking task.
Planting was one of the most backbreaking tasks on the farm and spring, as a whole, one of the busiest times.
But the senator also seemed to revel in assigning his son some of the most backbreaking tasks, like clearing 20 hilly acres with a hand ax.
The traditional tilling of horizontal lines of vines included the backbreaking task of carrying soil from the lowest row to the top.
When he took a job, it was almost always some backbreaking menial task an African ape could have done nearly as well.
To make a little money, villagers relied on the cutting and hauling of wood, a backbreaking task for the peasants and environmentally destructive for the hills that now look like desert.