Cartoon Network often aired two episodes back-to-back to make a 30-minute programming block.
Vengeance premiered with two back-to-back episodes, on 17 August 2012.
Friday Night Special - back-to-back episodes of a particular show that changed each week.
The second back-to-back episode rose 1.5 percent to 12.8 percent.
The program premiered on 9 April 2007 with two back-to-back episodes (including the pilot).
The season premiered on April 6, 2009, with two back-to-back episodes.
The first season debuted on January 1, 2013 and was aired as back-to-back half-hour episodes similar to other titles in the series.
The series premiered on June 4, 2008 with six back-to-back episodes.
The show made its debut on May 6, 2013 with two back-to-back episodes.
By the end of tonight's two back-to-back episodes, Morgan has gotten a part-time job helping to coach gymnastics for disabled young people.