Angrily he parted the back of Jonathan's tunic to wash the wounds.
Dumik was carrying Geran by the back of his tunic when he returned.
I started off after her, but Joshua caught the back of my tunic and pulled me back.
He'd grabbed the back of her tunic and hauled her into the practice circle.
The second man grabbed the back of his tunic and swung him around, straight into Seevan.
Gripping him by the back of his tunic, the commandant bashed the young man's head on die floor.
He rose to his feet and dusted off the back of his filthy tunic.
The back of his tunic was sticking to him, chilly with sweat.
The back of his tunic is covered in large splotches of darker brown.
Bones pulled up the back of his tunic; the wound was a cut about a half-centimeter deep by three long.