I ask how old she is, and she says 12, with this baby-doll voice.
Stacey Scheinin's high, baby-doll voice echoed through the gym.
With her baby-doll voice and pinup figure, wafting a welcoming, compliant sensuality, Ms. Griffith has always projected a mixture of coy dim-wittedness and street smarts, which turns out to be just right for the role of Honey.
But she's very much her own woman, as well, whether she's expressing a high-pitched opinion in that piping, baby-doll voice of hers, calling a bluff with a frank, no-nonsense stare or simply taking a baseball bat out from behind the bar and letting it do the talking.
Yet Ms. Sorvino assumes a baby-doll voice that is too reminiscent of her portrayal of Marilyn Monroe in "Norma Jean and Marilyn," and her smooth, flowing blond hair looks too contemporary to be convincing.
But there should be a way to tap her comedic talents and baby-doll voice without making her look like the butt of the joke.
If they're going to cast Carly, as it appears they're going to do, we need something to suit that baby-doll voice of hers.
She dances very little, and her baby-doll voice has only a casual relationship with melody.
She is a faithless former Mafia moll named Candy, played by Sharon Stone with a baby-doll voice.