Plaintive, melancholy, like the sound, of a baby owl.
The baby owls, dubbed "owlets", first hatched on March 21, 2010, and were watched by over 7 million viewers.
He's probably off to play with little Russano and the baby owls.
My life was dancing out of me like a fuzzy baby owl in its death throes.
My gullet became a water snake, my heart a baby owl.
Come to think of it, I always seem to have baby owls in my bedroom.
The baby owls will gain the ability to fly in about twenty-seven to twenty-eight days.
The baby owl was put out for adoption by feathered parents who can't count beaks in their nest.
He succeeded in getting the baby owl to eat from his own hand, but could not persuade the adult owl to take over the feeding chores.
She emerged from the darkness, blinking up at him like a rumpled baby owl.