Qtr to March 31 Sales 108,800,000 116,500,000 Net inc b174,000 906,000 Share earns .04 .24 b-Included gain of $259,000 on the sale of a warehouse.
Year to March 31 Revenue 4,093,000 3,877,000 Net inc b3,183,000 b1,844,000 Share earns .19 .11 b-Included gains of $93,000 for the latest year and $304,000 for the year- earlier period.
Qtr to March 31 Revenue 4,972,391 3,873,307 Net inc b1,002,113 b738,700 Share earns .04 .03 b-Included special gains of $523,108 for the latest quarter and $551,910 for the year-earlier period.
Qtr to Dec 31 Net inc 1,263,024 1,439,954 Per share 1.35 1.53 Year net inc 4,024,318 b4,117,793 Per share 4.28 4.37 b-Included after-tax gain of $1.1 million on the sale of credit card portfolio.
Year to Dec 31 Revenue 202,493,000 197,499,000 Net inc b14,243,000 11,259,000 Share earns .75 .60 b-Included extraordinary gain from property disposal of $1,500,000, or 8 cents a share.
Qtr to March 31 Revenue 5,754,000,000 5,178,000,000 Net inc 203,000,000 b362,000,000 b-Included $70 million gain from insurance settlement.
Year Dec 31 Sales 21,326,841 21,123,671 Net inc b881,503 738,003 Share earns 1.76 1.49 b-Included extraordinary gain of $114,076, or 13 cents a share, from insurance payments of a storm damage claim.
Qtr to June 30 Revenue 4,304,900 3,786,400 Net inc 303,400 b2,875,500 Share earns .04 .37 Shares outst 8,529,000 7,821,000 b-Included pre-tax gain of $3,500,000 from a contract settlement.
Qtr to Dec 31 Net inc b2,131,000 c3,079,000 Per share .56 .81 b-Included pre-tax gain of $25,000 on sale of mortgage loans.
Year to Dec 31 Revenue 220,043,000 230,188,000 Net inc b15,215,000 c36,196,000 Share earns .18 .43 b-Included gain of $7,306,000 from operating loss carryforward and gain of $1,979,000 from extinguishment of debt.