The azure seas and white coral sand beaches of the north and east coasts are a photographer's dream; the diving there a pleasure.
The view from my balcony was spectacular: a white sand beach dotted with blue umbrellas and, beyond, a sparkling azure sea.
The wild azure sea through the stems and the heat and the smell of everything burnt in it.
To the untrained eye the picture on the screen simply took on the appearance of a few innocent clouds drifting over an azure blue sea.
Fake windows framed by black shutters punctuate white stucco and frame scenes of azure seas.
Behind them, simple fishing boats painted in pastels stood at anchor, framed against a placid azure sea that stretched away to a distant mountain range.
The four of us continued to sit on, looking out across a blandly innocent azure sea.
Occasionally a patrol would take us in sight of its beautiful beaches: white, unspoiled sand against an azure blue sea.
Years ago, travelers to Jamaica rhapsodized about its azure seas and friendly people.
A region crammed with remarkable beauty and ancient fascinations, striking landscapes and azure seas.