The axes on particular pieces of equipment may or may not correspond to axes of the body, especially since the body and the equipment may be in different relative orientations.
The antero-posterior axis of the frog egg more or less corresponds to the animal-vegetal axis.
Namely, two axes of the image corresponds to distance and the third to wavelength.
(Variations are possible in which one axis corresponds to acoustically pure minor thirds.)
The two axes, major and minor correspond to the movement of more important to less important features of the house.
Its north-south axis corresponds with the ridge of Bergen Hill, the emergence of the Hudson Palisades.
In both a band diagram and a band structure plot, the vertical axis corresponds to the energy of an electron.
Every axis corresponds to a single quantum measurement, and every measurement changes the state of the qubit to match the result of the measurement.
Shia Crescent - as of 2012, the "axis of resistance" corresponded with the string of shia controlled regimes in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.
The axes correspond to the pressure and temperature.