The anteroposterior axis is preferred usage for describing the axis connecting the front and the back in humans.
Each courtroom is organized along an implied axis connecting the jury deliberation room, judge's bench, courtroom entrance, and major features in the public atrium.
Linked with nine major vertical axes connecting to the neighbouring countries in the north (Albania, Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey).
However, in the proximity of the large body, the lowest potential energy shape is an ovoid stretched along the axis connecting the two bodies.
Street is the axis connecting the eastern part of the city (sleeping areas and a network of hypermarkets) to the city center.
If the camera passes over the imaginary axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line.
It forms the main axis connecting connects the east and west part of the cemetery.
The B236 runs along a north-south axis connecting Allendorf with Winterberg and Marburg.
The z component of the force (the force along the axis connecting the tip and sample) is thus:
Another approach is outlined and tested in, in which the particles are first sorted along the axis connecting the cell centers.