Slip joints are used when the main problem is a large axial movement.
The most common method is a tab on the parting line edge that correlates with a notch in the housing to prevent axial movement after installation.
The universal expansion joint can absorb not only axial movements but angular and lateral movements as well.
A keyed joint still allows relative axial movement between the parts.
This included oscillating gear that gave a 25-degree axial movement to the sleeves, allowing even lubrication of the moving parts.
Metal bellows were made to absorb axial movement in a dynamic condition.
The lobe segment is fixed to the inner shaft so any relative axial movement has the effect of changing the valve opening duration.
This translates to a figure of around 3.5 (crankshaft) degrees per millimetre of axial movement.
The matched thread angle prevents axial movement between the nut and the roller as the rollers spin.