Not an easy burden, particularly given its awkward shape.
He'd kept his eye out for its awkward and terribly familiar shape all the way down.
Any child who is encouraged to explore these aspects will learn the awkward shapes of words quite naturally.
Lots in the past considered unsuitable for building because of high traffic volume or awkward shapes are now sought after, she said.
The resulting additions leave the church an awkward shape in plan, but with an impressive south elevation.
He saw first the slick of her wake, then her awkward shape ahead, eight hundred feet below.
Sometimes these were quite large, if the end of a roll had been used, or the room had been a particularly awkward shape.
Eight ways there were to put any puzzle together, and seven of those ways always left an awkward shape protruding.
It is well known in the area for its awkward shape.
It wasn't heavy, but it was an awkward shape.