A great, stout, awkward, stupid creature, with a man's hat on and a man's stick in her hand.
Born to great wealth, owner of beautiful houses, she was in essence that awkward creature, a born writer.
Born to great wealth, she was in essence that awkward creature, a born writer, says Anita Brookner.
What an awkward, obstinate creature you are.
Roirbak had mistaken her for another boy: a skinny, awkward creature, but pretty in her own way, he conceded.
Kibbe privately thought that humans were clumsy, awkward creatures, in the water or out.
An awkward, scaly creature with limblike fins, the coelacanth was long considered worthless by even the most impoverished fishermen.
The Vrang waddled in under the overhang, an awkward creature out of its element of the upper air.
How could he care for an "awkward, skinny creature," always in a hat "with dangling, bedraggled plumes"?
Now they had to learn to ride-these squat, seemingly awkward creatures!