The invaders began to pay an awful toll in this their first real engagement.
And getting near that limit took an awful toll.
I was put on immune suppression therapy, specifically prednisone, a steroid in the cortisone family that saves your life but takes an awful toll.
Besides the awful human toll, the damage to the Hong Kong economy was severe.
Floods and frosts and the runoff from sudden cloudbursts had taken an awful toll.
But duodec had taken an awful toll of life.
The awful human toll mounts, still uncounted, no end in sight.
Hunger, illness, infighting and attacks from local inhabitants exacted an awful toll.
It is not merely that those interest rates are already inflicting an awful toll on borrowers in Athens and beyond.
Over the centuries, trade in whale products helped many nations prosper; no country now generates wealth and food by taking this awful toll.