She felt desolate without him, and it was an awful temptation to bring the note to his room and explain.
It must be an awful temptation when you've got a lot of money to play playboy.
Power is an awful temptation, and it's not easy to reject.
It was an awful temptation, but Magrit bit her tongue.
And as if he were no longer able to resist an awful temptation.
"But it's an awful temptation to be a bully, especially if people won't stand up to you."
For women it is horror mixed with the awful temptation to admire the crime.
It was an awful temptation, but I let it go.
There are six men for every woman up here, and that's an awful temptation to a healthy girl.
She didn't want to feel the awful, wicked temptation that she had felt that night.