The Irish Sunday Business Post has described it as the "worst" of the "awful atrocities perpetrated by the IRA" during this period.
Both men had heard tales of war in the south and the awful atrocities committed by the Aenir.
He also contested many aspects of the Holocaust, claiming death figures were far lower, arguing that all sides were guilty of equally awful atrocities.
Does the right hon. Gentleman really believe that if politicians in Northern Ireland had been sitting at a table, the awful atrocities that we have witnessed in the past few days would not have taken place?
Magee claimed that he joined the group after seeing "awful atrocities being perpetrated by the IRA" and felt that the Vanguard could be a rallying point to unite Unionism.
No Japanese prime minister ever knelt in Nanking, the site of the most awful Japanese atrocities in 1937.
What it was broadcasting was not a known language but files of the most awful atrocities he'd ever seen committed, inflicted by vicious-looking members of an alien race on what Hafiz instantly identified as members of Acorna's species.
The collection of information is important to prevent awful atrocities, such as those we have seen in Madrid.
Why would you defend what is clearly an awful (ongoing) atrocity anyway.
It's not just that the children are scarred and traumatized by awful atrocities but the way they're devising this unique visual vocabulary that corroborates all the testimony we've taken from adults.