The Congress wouldn't even vote funds to refurbish the building in which he lived and worked under the awesome burdens of the moment.
Peter Sutcliffe, 46, says he wants to share the 'awesome burden' of his murderous campaign against women.
Ahh, it is the awesome burdens of our faith.
Judge Bork appreciates the awesome burden that comes with being a Justice on the highest court.
Having made a bundle of momentous decisions in an incredibly short time, she was feeling relieved of an awesome burden.
He had been on other assignments, many of them, but none which carried such an awesome burden or with stakes so high.
This awesome financial burden should be borne up front over five years with three discrete measures.
"I long for the grand privilege of walk- ing the face of the earth as an ordinary man, without this awesome burden."
It is an awesome, terrible burden, but no worse than the burden of the truth you hide.
To a woman like Darlanis, such a promise would carry an awesome emotional "burden" should she ever "break" it.