She's like all the other Orianians and has no idea she has this awesome ability.
At an evolutionary state some two million years beyond present-day Earthmen, the Zennites possess awesome mental abilities.
Even his awesome new abilities proved no match for the Decepticon leader, himself recreated through Unicron's power.
In temperament and turmoil as well as awesome ability.
But its ever-increasing efficiency in performing this task, and its awesome ability to strike home from long range, have given it tremendous psychological appeal.
Or is it simply a case of the awesome ability of cliches to overwhelm the language?
No one doubts Brown's awesome ability; his sinking fastball is responsible for anywhere from 5 to 10 broken bats when he starts.
Lorraine snapped, her awesome abilities to command under "fire" once again displayed.
Come on, we're going to put your awesome linguistic abilities to work.
This was an awesome yet useless ability.