She had walked away from her marriage and the life she had fought to build because of her husband Jase's perverse desires.
But she suspects he is actually running away from their unsuccessful marriage.
"Is that what you took away from your marriage to Jack?"
Jenna longs to run away from her dismal marriage, and is slowly accumulating money to do so.
Newman realizes he cannot count on Gertrude and walks away from their marriage, later going to the police to report the attack.
She tells them that she has run away from her forced marriage, and Pan insists that she remain on the raft with them.
"We both turned away from our marriage," she writes in his new book.
It would get him away from his difficult marriage for a time.
Conversely, Cary Grant was happy to get away from his failing marriage to Betsy Drake.
She knew I was limping away from my first marriage, and after two weeks of cautious flirting we had both come to realize that things would proceed slowly.