Midnight looked down and was shocked as she realized that the pendant hung away from her flesh.
If he let go of the sigil, let it fall away from his flesh, the suffering would end.
The sigil swung on its cord away from his flesh and the pain ceased abruptly.
Grimly he sought to keep Kane's blades away from his aching flesh.
He moved the knife slightly away from her soft flesh, but did not drop it.
Still, I could not stay away from my flesh and blood.
She held the punctured rubber away from the injured man's flesh.
Even if the other wanted only to defeat or capture Blade, it would be hard to keep those razor-sharp swords away from his flesh entirely.
He dropped his hand-the one that was holding the knife-until it came to rest at least six inches away from Sawyer's flesh.
I had been warned that she still tried to walk away from her flesh at night, despite all the constraints surrounding her.