Secondly, this awareness enabled the formation of many community groups involved in environmental management such as tree planting, drainage, and mosquito control.
The premise behind this is that greater awareness of their style by individuals enables them to make better choices of how to respond.
A trained awareness and a masterbard's instincts yet enabled him to batten his emotions in stilled silence.
This enhanced situational awareness and understanding will enable commanders to synchronize and employ widely dispersed and highly mobile forces at decisive points of the operation.
And social awareness enables them to create opportunities and neutralize opposition more skilfully.
That mental awareness and understanding would enable him to control and thereby eliminate the pain-to douse the flare-up.
Because you assume that your awareness of the possibility of failure will enable you to ensure it doesn't happen.
The technique emphasizes a whole body, anatomical approach to dance that includes flexibility, strength, coordination and body and spatial awareness to enable unrestricted, dramatic freedom of expression.
His awareness and exploitation of these rights enable him to achieve some success in making criticisms of the Czechoslovakian government.
If my awareness of their cultural touchstones enables them to feel more comfortable with me, we both benefit.