He was awarded an Associate of the Arts award by the Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts, Singapore.
The prize was awarded by the Minister for Conservation, but since the 1980s that prize has been replaced by LandCare Awards.
It is not a state award, being in the gift of the commissioner, but the medals are awarded by the Minister for Justice.
This list contains military decorations which are awarded by the Minister of Defence.
The prize was awarded by the Minister of Equality Karita Bekkemellem.
On February 22, 2013, Refused were awarded "The special prize for Swedish music exports" by the Minister of Trade.
The University was awarded the Quality Award of Higher Education by the Minister of Education in 2010.
Throughout the years, with constant development and upgrading, the Resort is now a proud 4-star golf resort, awarded by the Minister of Tourism Malaysia.
In 2009 he was awarded the Achievement Award by the Minister of Culture in Cyprus.
In 2009 it won the "Urban Sustainability" category in the Green Ribbon Awards awarded by the Minister for the Environment.