Students from the school have achieved wide recognition for their award-winning live performances and visual art.
Thirty-four years after his first award-winning performance as Crisp, John Hurt returned to play him again.
Glynn's award-winning performance would be reprised in the 1982 revival.
During its tenure, the school has produce award-winning performances in theatre, dance and music.
He held himself under control, play-acting, a truly award-winning performance.
But as a broadcaster for the previous five years, he has given an award-winning performance in his role as the Arizona manager this season.
Proceeds from the event go keep the Cookie Company producing its award-winning performances.
This is backed up by its many award-winning performances.
The supporting actors delivered award-winning performances and the defense awoke for a climactic finish.
It became a 'performance movie' - a movie with potentially award-winning performances.