She was awarded $1.4 million in damages, as well as 12.5 percent of profits from the show.
The law awards the whistleblowers between 15 percent and 25 percent of any money the Government recovers.
But 78 percent of those were awarded 60 percent or less of the amount they said they lost.
The jury awarded damages against Stewart & Stevenson of $30 million, plus 40 percent for attorneys' fees.
The report said there were no records to explain why the mental health department had awarded 41 percent of its contracts for community reinvestment programs.
For the last four years, we have met or exceeded the goal of awarding 10 percent of all contracts to qualifying firms.
The county has also been criticized for not meeting its goal of awarding 14 percent of the contracts to minority groups and women.
Fletcher was awarded five percent of the royalties by a jury.
In interviews this week, after an arbitration panel awarded them 11.75 percent raises - half what the union had sought - they were again disheartened.
In 2009, the federal government awarded only 22 percent of funds that had been set aside for contracts with small businesses.