Awards are often signified by trophy, Title of honor, certificates, commemorative plaques, medals, badges, award pin, or award ribbon.
This replaces the first three devices and effectively "closes out" the award ribbon - no further devices are authorized for display of additional awards.
The SSBN pin is worn on the left uniform pocket, typically below award ribbons.
It consists of an award ribbon and a hound pendant.
He put the award ribbon back on the pillow and said, "First, I will address the issue.
Neoplast walls niched and hung with award ribbons, platters, trophy cups.
State and county fairs are famous for a variety of competitions that award ribbons.
As evening fell, Ms. Magana was picking Brittany's porcelain dolls and award ribbons for horseback riding out of the rubble where her bedroom had been.
An Order of CuChulainn pin may be worn on the adult award ribbon.
SimTown also awards players with trophies and award ribbons by meeting certain objectives and requirements.