Several of these beers have been awarded top medals and recognition at city, county and state fairs in California.
Gifa also awards recognition to architects and their buildings every two years.
The organization was awarded legal recognition on March 3, 1945.
The journal was awarded recognition by many of the relevant international forums right after its first issue publication.
In 1973, the Catawba tribe formed a non-profit corporation and they were awarded federal recognition in 1993.
The organization was awarded legal recognition on September 29, 1994.
He was also awarded recognition in the Communication/Entertainment category in both 1998 and 1999.
In 2006, the school was awarded formal recognition as an Investor in People.
The company was awarded recognition for its production in this section of the market in 2008.
He has been awarded recognition as a notable member of the Slovenian minority in Hungary.