All three clubs were awarded membership on August 22 of that year, but were told to "put your grounds in order".
That's why you were only awarded probationary membership of the Family.
Staebler was awarded membership to the Order of Canada in 1996.
Drivers were awarded membership in the club based on official time trials for the Southern 500.
Once selected, a student is awarded membership in the local chapter at an induction ceremony.
Those who complete a list of 40 of these peaks are awarded membership in the South Beyond 6000 club.
Annually, less than 5 students are awarded membership to the Sportsmen's Board.
After a series of tests, Superboy was awarded membership and returned to his own time.
He was awarded membership in the Order of Canada on October 29, 2004.
In 2006 he was awarded honorary membership of his party.