On 1 May 2009, World Labour Organisation (WLO) London awarded him Mirza Mohammad Ibrahim Yaadgari Award on his hard work & non-stop effort in labour movements at national & international level.
The actions of the company was awarded at continental level with the acknowledgment Testimonial of the Year at the Sport Business Ambitions Awards 2010 and the awarding of the 2010-11 Champions League Final Four, held at PalaOnda, Bolzano.
In 1998-99, the College was the only HE institution in the UK to be awarded 24 out of 24 for its teaching of art and design at undergraduate and postgraduate level by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA).
Some roles are awarded at junior level in year 9.
It was the first try scored by a replacement player, to be awarded by a replacement referee at international level.
From 1978 to 2002, 776 research projects have been awarded prizes at state, provincial or ministerial level, 106 prizes were at the state level.
It also awards the annual Andrés Manuel Del Río and Mario Molina Prizes, as well as prizes for the best theses in chemistry at bachelors, masters and doctoral level.
In 1995, SVP was awarded certification as an SAP R/3 system house operating at multinational level and was accepted into SAP's circle of value-added resellers (VARs).
I have voted in favour of the committee' s proposals for increased threshold values to force public contracts, especially for goods and services, to be awarded at European level.
Feature films were awarded at All India as well as regional level.